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Gender Pay Gap Report 2019

As part of our obligations under the gender pay gap legislation, we present our Gender Pay statistics. These statistics have been uploaded to the Government portal and as with other companies the data is presented as at 5 April 2019.

Hourly Pay

Hourly pay for male colleagues was:

  • 7.1% higher, when measured as a mean average.
  • Equal, when measured as a median average.

Pay Quartiles

The proportion of males and females colleagues in each payroll quartile was:


Quartile Male % Female %
Top 53.7% 46.3%
Upper Middle 35.4% 64.6%
Lower Middle 34.6% 65.4%
Lower 50.8% 49.2%

Bonus Pay

Bonus pay for male colleagues was:

  • 12.9% higher, when measured as a mean average.
  • 64.4% lower, when measured as a median average.

18.2% of male colleagues were awarded a bonus and 5.1% of females.

I declare that the data presented above is accurate, as of 5thApril 2019.

Tony Dobbs, MD, Heron Foods Ltd
25th March 2019

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