CELEBRATING OUR 300th STORE!! Our new store at High Green successfully opened on 18th February!!
High Green will offer a full range of ambient, chilled, frozen lines as well as non-food items including cleaning and pet products! In celebration of our new store, we will be donating £250 to Paces Sheffield, a local charity suggested by customers. This charity supports students at Paces School and adults through Paces Living which both care for individuals with Cerebral Palsy and Motor disorders. They offer life-changing skills through conductive education in an environment that is fun! They support families all over the UK!
Gleadless Road opened this morning after its extension works, introducing alcohol, a fresh new light look in store, additional chilled space and a revitalised shop front. The difference is breath taking!
Sheffield Hospitals Charity are our official charity which we will support to celebrate the re-opening of our newly refurbished Gleadless Road! £250 will go a long way, especially in Jessop Wing Maternity, supporting patients and families, help bring in new equipment for all staff and allow research onto the cause, prevention and treatment of illnesses to save the lives of patients today and for the future generations. We thank them for all their hard work.